Had a great time and learning experience with the Star Garrison and Houston Droid Builders at Comicpalooza. Friends told me that Star Garrison was one on the friendliest groups they’ve met, and I can definitely say they were right! I went early enough to see the Houston Area Droid Builders Droid Panel; very informative for beginners. I originally live streamed the event which you can see below (be sure to unmute the video):
501st, Astromech, MSE-6 “5C4883R5”
It’s that time of year again! March 30th I participated in my second Lafayette Maker Faire, this time with 100% more Astromechs! This also marks the second appearance of the South Central Droid Builders Club, a new sub-group who’s intent is to bring builders from the Louisiana and Mississippi area together. My Sister also had a booth, The Bullion Rose. R2 couldn’t help but do a shamless plug!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_Qyba7sHmI It’s been some time since an Astromech related post hasn’t it? After a mad dash to get R2 ambulatory for October, Halloween has come and gone and we are now in November! Time flies. I thought it would only be appropriate for R2 to take some of his first steps at the Children’s Museum of Acadiana, seeing as this is where I did my first troop with the 501st (well, sort of…). Unfortunately, the
In the rare event I can’t figure out how to merge Barton ‘s resin legs with my ankle setup, I’m pattern routing a master template to make the legs Mike Senna / Victor Franco style. It flush trimmed easily enough. But I can’t help but think the arm pits came out uneven. :/ His are perfect. I’m not sure what happened. Maybe the pressure tape slipped. Anyway,  next step is to route the bottom of the template to the
3D Printing
https://youtu.be/Un5AgZ29iTU With the dome finally done, I can now focus on the body. Most R2 Builders say that once the dome is made, the rest of the process goes a lot faster.I for one can certainly say that having the dome out of the way (for the most part) has dispelled a great deal of doubt I had as to whether or not I could complete R2 without completely loosing my mind. https://youtu.be/R0SZMG4316Y R2 was
501st, Astromech